
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

IF I COULD (By Maurice Yvonne)

if i could, 
 i'd wish a magic wand.
 if i could,
 i would build dreams
 brick by brick 
 the kind
 one could hang on to
 one could live in.

 if i could, 
 upside down 
 so the sky 
 baby blue
 would look as if
 it was smiling. 

 my bestest hope
 wipe away the tears from
 the hungry 
 the abused 
the sickly children
 and elderly. 

 this first, 
fore all else,
 yes the children and the elderly. 

if i could, 
 replace every tear with a smile 
 a hug
 a tickle 

if i could, 
snap my fingers make money obsolete,  
plenty for everybody to share.
clap my hands medical care everywhere would be there.

in my heart, live dried out tears.
there, i hear the pulse of our planet. 
so many good people, 
people who care.

there's a black venom 
such a small dose 
affects the masses. 

if i could,
supply all with the antidote.

if i could, 
i would build an arc 
sail 'till the world was cleansed 
move in with everyone 
on one land. 
call it OURS. 
yes definitely OURS. 
i like that name. 

i can't. 
i can't do all those things. 

i can kiss where it hurts. 
 give hugs freely. 
 give what possessions, 
 i can do without, 
 share my physical wealth. 

i fear nothing. 
 least of all poverty 
 happy to share what i can. 

i can offer you my love 
love comes easy to me. 
it never feels like enough. 
but i am here, arms wide open. 

tell me what is it you need, how can i help. 
i love you, unconditionally.

[I came across this poem on this website called Poetry Soup. It was so raw, so beautiful i couldn't help but re post it here. Whoever you are Yvonne, know that your words resonate with me, and affect me like things haven't in a long long while. You are one beautiful soul, whoever you are.

The original link where i found this poem is: ]

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