
Monday, June 27, 2011


in a very zen state of mind. very much at peace. which is odd, considering how things are all around. but just decided it was time to slow down the pace. what is the need hurry for anything indeed? time also helps you look at things in a more practical, detached way. one moment it all seems so big and awful. the other, the moment you take in the realities and look at the complete picture, you sort of end up detaching yourself from it. this surreal feeling envelopes you, makes you objective. so much, you could almost say it was happening to a third person.

guess you could call it a retreat of sorts. its back to the basics... books and music. two companions which never let you feel alone... or lonely. for they're never the same thing, those 2 words, right? some people could be let in as well, the lucky sods.. :) but it depends on the mood.

somehow easier to be with and around a stranger, strike conversation with them than people who are actually close. need to keep things simple and general. social is good, personal isn't.

talking of social... bumped into someone today. pretty interesting, that little encounter. ah well...another time, another tale.

for now, it's them books and music.

PS- the only materialistic thing that affects yours truly right now, is the debit card she got today...and the new check book. first own plastic card! NO daddy's add on! money money money money... she's so funny! :)

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