
Monday, December 19, 2011


Hold not your anger within you, for not only does it spoil the memory of that which is precious to you and inside you and yours to cherish; it also poisons the future. It spoils that which is yet to come, embitters and affects the sweetest of dispositions, leaving behind nought but a shadow of that which was once unique.

The memories are yours, the pain is yours. Let the memories bring a smile on those lips when a frown clouds that bow; let the pain make you stronger and prepare you for that which is yet to come.

You are but a projection of all that resides within, whether good or bad. That which lives in there, in the depths of your being, warms the blood that flows in your veins. That blood warms the mind and the thoughts that it shields. The mind warms the brain that thinks, hence brightening all that you believe and all that you are.

Trust. Believe. Love. Give. Forgive. Feel. Emote.
And once your work is done, once there is nothing left to look forward to, move on.
Leave the regrets behind. Leave the pain of parting behind. Think of what is to come. So many more to meet, so much more to see.
The world, this universe, its mysteries.. They're unfathomable. There's so much to see! So much to feel! The tangible..the intangible.

Your dreams,when you dreamt them, were bigger, brighter. Never put reigns on them, not for anything, not for anyone. Even when they seem difficult to attain. The more difficult they are, the more determined you ought to be.

Don't hold back. Don't hold it in. Let the imagination soar to the hitherto undiscovered heights. Once their, open your eyes. Get on your feet and get going. To start working to make those dreams happen..

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