
Monday, August 8, 2011


Logic and reason can strike at the weirdest of times, in the weirdest of places. Like when you're sitting in office, with nothing to do. Heh. But i'm oddly at peace after that tiny episode of Epiphany. Something i've been refusing to acknowledge to myself wouldn't deny reason this time round. And in the argument, reason won. I'm happy..

Things i refused to accept, won't stay behind the covers anymore. The obvious won't stay hidden anymore. Reason won't let the simple facts remain complicated and hence escape scrutiny. Self won't be put behind anymore. Everything inside me is repelled and rebelling. Not everything can be available on installment basis, not everything bought that way. Things should be marketed only when they are 100% ready for sale. But... the buyer too needs to have a discerning eye, nay? Ah well...

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