..Ok. So that post was last night. A lament full of self pity. Something I absolutely loathe. And something that was momentary. The moment has passed, and I'm very much myself now. And I'll be damned if I ask for anyone's sympathy!
And nor are my wishes, my wants, my desires, ambitions, goals going to be subjected to anyone's observations, comments, cynicism or opinions anymore. There's one thing I have always dreaded, and that is, being written off insignificantly. Nobody can do that to me. And I'm NOT going to do that to myself. Bloody hell! I'm not even 25, even if the last 3 years have been bad, they are hardly something that's going to impact the rest of my life! And if one thing doesn't work out, I'll find another way, something else. But I will NOT be written off into insignificance, as someone who COULD be something, had the potential to be something, but broke down and lost her plot. If ONE plan doesn't work out, I'll figure something else out. I'll make my own way. And I'll do it alone, however I have to. And anyway, professional help? Sure, why not! If I DO ever need it, why not go for it! It doesn't imprint me with the scarlett letter! And its anyway better to go to a professional than roll up in a corner and cry your eyes out for rest of the day. Nothing could be worse!
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