
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Second post in two days. After not having written forever. Who would have thought. But i guess it's only when i am drowning in sorrow or jumping with joy, that i actually feel the need to express. And right now, sadly or not, it's the former.

I am just so upset with my life! And i feel so helpless! What do i do?! How do i sort things? How do i arrive at answers?! That one thing i've never believed in, or believe in, has cast a shadow on everything around me. And the uncertainty of it all has affected me in a manner which makes me run away from everything and everyone remotely associated with anything to do with it. Since i can't physically run away, i'm emotionally running from it all, cutting off from everyone, because the fact that it somehow matters to me, affects me more than it matters to anyone else, bothers me too much. It just doesn't seem to bother anyone else! My whole life is under question, but nobody cares.

I don't know what to do, how to deal with all this. And this helplessness is suffocating me. I am drowning in it! It is making me question the premise of everything i took as a given. It feels like an open wound. And it's a wound that i want to prick, to see how much it bleeds, how much it pains, and how i bear that pain. 


Broken, disturbed, frustrated, tired. Reached that point of saturation. Even a mosquito seems to have a more ambitious, a more purposeful life than I do. I'm hurting so bad right now, I don't know what to do or who to turn to. Everyone is busy with their lives, has their own set of worries. How can I go to them for answers to questions that are half evolved in my own head? Things seem so desperate that I, one who has never believed in self help books, thought I might find an answer in this book I came across today, Finding A Purpose In Life. But sadly, that hasn't been of use either thus far.

Forget that level of satisfaction, I am not even close to deciphering the path to it. Everything, every aspect of life seems to be coming undone- professional, academic and personal. I don't know what's going on in any aspect of my life. There's so much confusion with respect to everything! I feel like a pendulum, oscillating between despair and optimism.

I just want to get away from everything, everyone, cut myself off.. Or cut off those various pieces of me that are attached to these various aspects.. I just want to close my ears to the cacophony, put on my rose tinted glasses and go into a world where everything is fine and sorted and where I can be happy.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


I'm dying to express myself, but I just can't somehow! The words just don't seem to do justice to my thoughts and need for expression right now! That's funny though... Today I'm happy and words are failing me. A few days ago, when I was seething with anger, all tears and hurt, words just flew out of my pen (yes, more often than not I write the good old fashioned way)! But just as well.. The reason for the happiness today was the same as that of my pain a few days back. I don't think I need to even explain that anymore.

All I can say, is that even though the world seems to be crashing over me, coming down a little faster with every passing hour, I will be going to bed tonight with a song on my lips and hallelujah in my heart. 

Monday, October 7, 2013


Someday we gonna rise up on that wind you know 
Someday we gonna dance with those lions 
Someday we gonna break free from these chains and keep on flyin' 

They tellin' me it's all good just wait 
You know you're gonna be there someday 
Sippin' on Jim Beam ok 
Gotta get these things one day 
Till then do another line you know 
Searching for that other high 
Stop or I gotta steal then steal 
Kill or I'm gonna be killed 
I got a sack in my pocket 
Conscious yellin' drop it 
You know we're gonna lose it someday 
And we tryin' to hold it all together but the devil is too clever so 
I'm gonna die you gonna die we gonna die Someday one day I said 

Someday we gonna rise up on that wind you know 
Someday we gonna dance with those lions
Someday we gonna break free from these chains and keep on flyin' 

Try to lie but it ain't me Ain't me 
Try to look but I can't see 
Can't stop right now cause I'm too far and I can't keep goin' cause it's too hard 
In the day in the night it's the same thing 
On the field on the block it's the same game 
On the real if you stop then it's no pain but if you can't feel pain then it's no gain 
Rearrange and you change and it's all bad and you try to maintain but you fall back 
And you crawl and you slip and you slide down 
Wanna make it to the top better start now 
So I hold my soul and I die hard 
All alone in the night in the graveyard 
Someday one day I'm gonna be free and they won't try to kill me for being me 
Hey someday 

Someday we gonna rise up on that wind you know 
Someday we gonna dance with those lions
Someday we gonna break free from these chains and keep on flyin'

If you know how this is 
Gonna see it's not that easy 
Don't stop get it till it's done 
From where you are or have begun 
I said keep on try a little harder to see everything you need to be 
Believe in your dreams 
That you see when you're asleep 


Friday, August 23, 2013

Old hatchets buried, things talked through, sorted. That infectious, all pervading sore finally healed. Forgiven and forgotten, for all those concerned, forever. A sense of liberation. The freedom to move on, to move forward along more fronts than one.

For the first time, there's an honest wish to let go, to move on and not hold self back. Difficult yes, impossible no. For if its easy and doable for one, then there's no reason why it shouldn't be so for the other. Its been way too long anyway. The winds of change finally seem to be blowing... there's something new and fresh in the offing, and this time it won't be passed by with eyes closed..

Friday, July 19, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013


I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Give of yourself with both hands and overflowing heart, but give only the excess after you have lived your own life.

Monday, April 29, 2013


"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!"

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ever since I was a child, especially after my younger sister was born and as a consequence of her becoming the apple of everyone's eye, I learnt to move away with a smile. As a child, as a result of many illnesses that afflicted me simultaneously and lasted for long periods and as a consequence confined me to my house for long, i gradually withdrew from people, became shy, reserved. I learnt very early build walls around me that protected me, at the same time kept people from coming close beyond a point. I never made many demands because I a) didn't wish to rely on them for every fancy b) nor wanted to face the disappointment of not having them met. And believe me, I was happy! I was mature for my age, level headed, a good student, ambitious and pretty much sorted in life, even if I did sometimes wonder what it would be like to let go of myself completely, lower the walls, let people in, not try and keep myself secluded behind those walls...

Then came college, and I did exactly that. And life changed completely.

It made me discover many things about myself, the world, much. It was, and is, a wonderful feeling. But it also made me see the benefits of being by myself, closer to myself than anyone else. It taught me how much simpler life was earlier. And how I sometimes regret not being able to go back... No, not sometimes. Often. Very often.. To the times it was just me for myself, and there was no need for anyone else. If only...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Battles Before Wars..

A week or so.. Plate full.. So much to do... So many mind devils to fight, points to prove..
This is going to get interesting!

Monday, April 15, 2013


I am in the middle of my studies, but so strongly struck by something that i can't help but type here and let things flow...

I can't believe what an idiot i was for the longest time! I can't believe i was intimidated by something so stupid, by someone so... ordinary (for the lack of a better word) and regarding something so baseless and pointless!

And it has taken almost 3 and a half years for the realization to sink in, for me to realize all this. What i ran after was all in my head. Now, when i know myself better, when my head is clearer, when i actually have something which is worth fighting for, i now wonder what was it that i saw at that point that made me fight as long as i did. More than what it really was, it became all about how i WANTED it to be, wanted things to be. And the leverage i gave it, made it bigger than reality. An exaggerated though half baked premise. I don't know how or why i stayed for as long as i did.. but i guess if i hadn't, i would have never known really what it was that i really wanted, as compared to what i THOUGHT i did.

And none of it would have been possible without that one presence that made me see the difference between the two. And it's a funny feeling, to realize that all this while, what you confused for something so huge, was nothing but a result of perceived ideal scenarios and an overdose of drama and emotions.
My friends, those blessed souls, and my baby sister... they all saw and understood and tried everything they could to make me understand, see things as clearly as i do now. But to no avail.

But i guess, it was meant to be the way it turned out to be. It's like pieces of a puzzle falling into right slots after multiple attempts.

And it's things like these which make me appreciate what i now have, even more. If that phase of my life taught what i DIDN'T want from life, this one teaches me everyday what i do want. And every realization is a new revelation... :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Morning After Post...

..Ok. So that post was last night. A lament full of self pity. Something I absolutely loathe. And something that was momentary. The moment has passed, and I'm very much myself now. And I'll be damned if I ask for anyone's sympathy!

And nor are my wishes, my wants, my desires, ambitions, goals going to be subjected to anyone's observations, comments, cynicism or opinions anymore. There's one thing I have always dreaded, and that is, being written off insignificantly. Nobody can do that to me. And I'm NOT going to do that to myself. Bloody hell! I'm not even 25, even if the last 3 years have been bad, they are hardly something that's going to impact the rest of my life! And if one thing doesn't work out, I'll find another way, something else. But I will NOT be written off into insignificance, as someone who COULD be something, had the potential to be something, but broke down and lost her plot. If ONE plan doesn't work out, I'll figure something else out. I'll make my own way. And I'll do it alone, however I have to. And anyway, professional help? Sure, why not! If I DO ever need it, why not go for it! It doesn't imprint me with the scarlett letter! And its anyway better to go to a professional than roll up in a corner and cry your eyes out for rest of the day. Nothing could be worse!

A 4AM Lament

The past few years,  as most are aware, have been kind of hard for a. Number of reasons, most of them being interrelated and inter woven. I have tried to deal with them the best I can. Sometimes, I'm able to convince myself that I've done better than anyone else would have. At other times though, I'm not so sure. The last few months have been like that... Full of unsurity, a lot of insecurity, constant fear, a sort of hopelessness that's settling in. But unlike every time before this, I'm not being able to get over it, deal with it on my own. And when I'm not, I look around me. For someone who could help me with it, sometimes even feel I have people who could help me. But it's always a disappointment. And every time it happens, it breaks me down a little bit more. Sometimes I even wonder if I need professional help to help me deal with things. Because what was once just one single aspect of my life, has now come to define it. Everything that I am or am not, is defined by that one fact.. And its related failures. And now it has become such a part of my psyche, I've begun to wonder who I reaaly am! What am I? What are my capabilities? What am I good at? Am I good at anything? I don't know any longer! Forget that, I don't even know what I like anymore, or what I want from my life! I run from things, refuse to face them, acknowledge some sad truths. I try and lose myself in the moment, trying to find a permanent solution in my temporary escape.. I start having undue expectations from people around me, expecting them to have answers to MY problems that I've myself failed to solve for years! I let myself get affected by petty things, let things hurt me easily, grant so much mind space to smallest of things... Lose myself in others to the extent that when I don't find the same reciprocated in the same manner, it sends me back in my shell, blaming. The world for its unfairness.

Who hasn't had to go through hardships? Aren't hard times supposed to be the real test of character? Aren't they to motivate us to overcome all trials and tribulations? Doesn't everyone say how strong I am, how truly intelligent I am? Then why don't I have that confidence in me? Why do I insist on slipping into this vulnerable, broken girl who can't do anything with her life, a picture I myself loathe? Why dpi let myaelf slip into that dark abyss?

What, why, when, where, how.....

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Where words fail, silence might just prevail.

Maybe the constant expression of thoughts and opinions isn't the best thing to do after all. Maybe distance, silence, space, time pose the same questions better and alongside procure their answers too.

The questions, though pertinent, may not always obtain the best answers after all. What are words after all, when they don't mean the same thing to everyone involved. How will the answers be forthcoming when the questions are not understood the same way.

Time.. Patience.. Distance.. Detachment..

Monday, April 1, 2013

Challa ki labhda phire...

So this track is from the movie Jab Tak Hai Jaan, sung by Rabbi Shergill. It has recently become a favorite. It's been around for a while, yes, but somehow it has caught my fancy just recently.. Decent lyrics, great music, and that amazing voice!

Challa ki labh daa phirey
Challa ki labh daa phirey
Yaaron main ghar kehdaa
Lokan ton puchdaa phirey
Challa hansda phirey
Challa rounda phirey
Challa gali gali ruldaa phirey

Challe tu sab daa
Challe tera koi nahi
Challa gali gali rul daa phirey
Challa ki labh daa phirey
Challa ki labh daa phirey
Yaaron main ghar kehdaa
Lokan ton puchdaa phirey
Challa ki labh daa phirey

Rang satrangi de bulbula di boli
Dhoop de pairi chale, chhavan ni lay dolee
Rang satrangi rangi de, bulbula di di bolee
Dhoop de pairi chale, chhavan ni lai lai dolee
Hun kaale kaale badaalan ch chand labh daa
Goongiyan hawa va diyaan waaja soon da
Yaaro aas paas wasdaa aiy yaar mera
Dikhdaa ni ohdiyaan khusbuaan sunghdaa

O Challa ki labh daa phirey..
Challa ki labh daa phirey
Yaaron main ghar kehdaa
Lokan ton puchdaa phirey
Challa ki labh daa phirey

Naa visaal hoya kadi na judaai hoi
Ishq de qaidi ki naa rihaai hoi
Lokon sufne ch milne daa wadaa usda
Saari saari raat naa ankh lagdi
Mere saa vee thode thode ghhat aaunde
Meri nabz vee thodi ghat wajdi

Challa ki labh daa phirey
Challa ki labh daa phirey
Yaaron main ghar kehda
Lokan ton puchdaa phirey
Challa hansda phirey
Challa rounda phirey
Challa gali gali ruldaa phirey
Challe tu sub daa
Challe tera koi nahi

Challa galee galee rul daa phirey
Challa Challa ki labh daa phirey
Challa ki labh daa phirey
Challa ki labh daa phirey

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lone Ranger, Lone Miles...

As you walk that walk home,
Troubled by many a thorn;
Trudging on with a heavy heart,
Waiting for the sorrow to depart.

You meet strangers; some passersby,
They wave to you with a smile,
That beckons you on another mile;
Close you follow, on your heel
If required willing to kneel.

The hopes renewed, you follow on,
Looking, hoping for a hand to hold on.
They look at you and pat your head,
You're now our own, their eyes said.

With confidence you carry on,
Hope and optimism edging you on.
But then stumble over a cobbled stone,
Fall, then look up to find all gone.

Something has been reaffirmed today.. At the end of the day, it's just you for yourself. Everything else is a myth..

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Stranger Who Cried...

A few days ago, I was in Satya Niketan with Green Boy. It was a fantastic evening, and we had spent the afternoon together, post which we had come for our usual maggi and milk shake tuck in to one of our favorite spots.

As per our original plan, GB was to drop me back home. However, a meeting came up because of which he had to hurry back so he got me an auto instead. As usual the meter wasn't working, but the guy wasn't exactly trying to rob us, so they settled the fare, post which I got in.

The man asked me in a very polite soft spoken way as to where exactly I had to go in RG so I explained. And so we started from SN.

We had just started, when I heard a sniveling sound, that made me look into the rearview mirror. The  auto driver seemed to have tears in his eyes, but I couldn't be too sure due to the dark so I went back to texting on my phone. By this time we had hit the Ring Road, and were passing under the flyover.

Suddenly, the man said, "Kabhi kisi par bharosa nahi karna chahiye beta, kabhi, khaas taur pe agar wo tumhare apne hon.." Now, for all my social graces, I NEVER know how to behave in such circumstances. I was trying to figure out whether I should remain quiet, or ask him if something was amiss, if something was wrong with him. But before I could decide, he was repeating the same thing. "Kabhi kisi ko apna samajh kar unki madad na karna beta. Tumhari zaroorat ke samein, wohi log tumhe bhool jaate hain. Karo bhi to, kisi anjaan ki madad kar lo, magar apne khud ke logon ki madad na karna."

We were crossing the Dhaula Kuan stretch and were waiting at a signal. I happened to look in the mirror again, and this time there was no mistaking the tears. The man was definitely upset, and quite badly so. He was wiping them with his right hand, but there was no stopping them. And once he had started talking, there was no stopping him. It was like he had found the outlet he had been looking for. "Duniya bahaut buri hai beta, bahaut buri. Apna apna nahi hai. Uski madad karna theek nahi.." I was about to ask him what happened when he started again.. "Meri beti ka admission ho gaya hai Hindu College mein. Bas paise maang rahe hain. Aaj last date thi. Kisi tarha se unse kal tak ke liye baat ki hai.."

By this time we were on the Delhi Cantt road, and he had started driving fast. "Maine apne bhai ko 50,000 rupay diye the udhaar par. Socha bhai hai, use zaroorat hai. Jab chahiye honge usse le lunga. Aaj main usse paise waapis maange to usne dene se saaf manaa kar diya. Kehta hai mere paas kya saboot hai maine use paise diye hain. Koi kaagaz hai? Kisi ke saamne diye hain?" And we were cruising, literally talking to the wind. "Mera apna bhai beta. Aur meri beti. Itni mehnat ki hai usne. Itni umeed hai use mujh se. Kya kahunga?" We were at a signal again, and he was trying hard to control himself, when he got a call.. "Haan beta. Nahi beta, paise nahi mile. Chacha ne dene se mana kar diya. Kuch karta hun beta, tu ghabra mat. Kuch karunga. Ghar aakar sochta hoon. Tu chinta mat kar."  

Throughout the call, he somehow held himself. Soon as he kept the phone down, he was crying again."Meri beti ka phone tha. Pooch rahi thi. Kya bataunga main? Kaise karunga main?" And he was holding his forehead, running his hand through his hair, holding his forehead again..

We were at the Naraina flyover. And we were zipping across it. Flying. I love the speed usually, I love the wind rushing at me, but at that point it was all different. Some of his despair had rubbed off on me. I was feeling sorry for him, very sorry. But at the same time, it was a little scary. I was fully convinced that we were either going to collide with another bigger vehicle, OR the auto was going to slide down and turn over.. Proof? The fact that I was home in 15 mins by the watch. Yep. I had taken about one third of the time that it usually takes to get home. Heh

I don't know whether it is just me, or whether this is how everyone functions, but someone's misfortune touches you more deeply if the person otherwise seems to be nice, honest and well spoken. Even when it seems he just might accidentally kill you! I don't know if it was just what he had been telling me or what, but the fact that I couldn't do anything to make things better (even if not okay) was making me feel pathetic, like somehow I was cheating him as well. I didn't know what else to do, so I ended up paying him 30 bucks extra by refusing to take the change. Like that would have helped him! But well.. That action made me feel a little better as well as extremely silly at the same time.

The incident happened almost 2 weeks ago. And I often wondered about the man.. My thoughts varied between cynical (was he simply trying to dupe someone, if he could? Had the brother simply refused to give him a loan and not REPAY his own loan? How could his daughter get an admission MID TERM like this?) and sorry (Did his brother change his mind? Could he arrange the funds? How many others suffer like him?) and dramatic (hope he didn't try to commit suicide!)

And then, suddenly my questions (at least some) were answered today. I saw him again, standing with the other auto walas in the market area. He was talking to another auto wala, a sardar ji. Thankfully, that woeful look was gone.

For a moment I actually thought of going up to him and asking him if he recognized me, if his problem had been sorted. But then I put the idea away, dismissing it as hair brained.

But you know, more than anything else, I was amazed that I even saw him again. It happens very rarely, if ever, that I come across same strangers twice. Ah well.. Providence!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Ok... this is one of the 2 (and in all likelihood the ONLY) Himesh Reshammiyan songs that i really like, the other one being a song from the same movie.

There's this earthiness and intensity in the lyrics that gets to me, and that i absolutely love. And somehow, HR's singing adds to it. (Miracle of miracles, that! ;) )


This post has been a while coming. I don't know why I haven't written for so long.. Maybe its because I've had a lot on my plate, maybe nothing noteworthy has happened that needed to be chronicled.. Or maybe I've just forgotten the art of stringing words together.. Even now I don't have anything specific to write about, just this wish to once again see my thoughts appear in words.. To sort them as I type them..

What's my current state of mind? I can't really understand. Its a thought potpourri.. And my emotions, a forest on fire. There's so much in my head, yet its so difficult to put it together coherently.. But I guess it would be safe to say that I'm kind of discontented with my lot. Because where I am right now, is nowhere close to where I'd like to be.. I want to be free, soar high, not be bound my limits or restrictions.. I want to see the world, and what all it has to offer me. I don't want to be tied down to things or people, with obligations and duties, with the dos and don'ts... I want to travel, try different cuisines, write, meet new people, work with people, FOR people..

The world is limitless and boundless.. it has so much to offer, to teach, to feel, to accommodate. So how can confining ourselves to our safe spots be justified? Doesn't it fill any of you with this unquenchable thirst to see, to experience, to feel, to learn?

I haven't lived my purpose in life yet.. I feel like I haven't done anything that I was meant to do, this far. Every day when I get up, this feeling of dissatisfaction niggles. Its not the people, its not my surroundings.. Its the role I'm being expected to play, forced to play, to fit within the set parameters that makes me restless. I am living in direct conflict of my very nature.. So how can I be completely truly satisfied? Is it any wonder that I feel so lost and out of my depth? If I wish to play by the rules, do what everyone expects out of me, I could.. But that would mean I'm denying my very nature, that in trying to be dutiful towards others, I'm being unfaithful to myself.. What then?

But, worry not. It's not all as grim as i just made it sound.. Work is erratic as usual, and soon i will be going on leave.. as usual. Exams are less than 2 months away and i haven't started doing much. Although this time, i am more determined to make progress than i have been for the longest time, to actually to my brains to use.

More than anything else, i have been a lot more grounded and at peace with my vagabond inner thoughts than i have been for the longest time, thanks to the GreenBoy.. poor bloke has a hard time of it though! :)

Aaaaaaaaand... how can i forget... it seems like the whole world and its mother is now aware of my relationship status, both sets of parents included. I am not sure whether the idea terrifies me or excites me more... Thankfully, after those constant initial discussions, things have sort of sunk in. For now.The next 2-3 months though, are going to be tough on both of us. Hopefully we will both get out with our sanity intact!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Closing Time

Ah we're drinking and we're dancing 
and the band is really happening 
and the Johnny Walker wisdom running high 
And my very sweet companion 
she's the Angel of Compassion 
she's rubbing half the world against her thigh 
And every drinker every dancer 
lifts a happy face to thank her 
the fiddler fiddles something so sublime 
all the women tear their blouses off 
and the men they dance on the polka-dots 
and it's partner found, it's partner lost 
and it's hell to pay when the fiddler stops: 
Yeah the women tear their blouses off 
and the men they dance on the polka-dots 
and it's partner found, it's partner lost 
and it's hell to pay when the fiddler stops: 

Ah we're lonely, we're romantic 
and the cider's laced with acid 
and the Holy Spirit's crying, "Where's the beef?" 
And the moon is swimming naked 
and the summer night is fragrant 
with a mighty expectation of relief 
So we struggle and we stagger 
down the snakes and up the ladder 
to the tower where the blessed hours chime 
and I swear it happened just like this: 
a sigh, a cry, a hungry kiss 
the Gates of Love they budged an inch 
I can't say much has happened since 

I swear it happened just like this: 
a sigh, a cry, a hungry kiss 
the Gates of Love they budged an inch 
I can't say much has happened since 

I loved you for your beauty 
but that doesn't make a fool of me: 
you were in it for your beauty too 
and I loved you for your body 
there's a voice that sounds like God to me 
declaring, declaring, declaring that your body's really you 
And I loved you when our love was blessed 
and I love you now there's nothing left 
but sorrow and a sense of overtime 
and I missed you since the place got wrecked 
And I just don't care what happens next 
looks like freedom but it feels like death 
it's something in between, I guess 

Yeah I missed you since the place got wrecked 
By the winds of change and the weeds of sex 
looks like freedom but it feels like death 
it's something in between, I guess 

Yeah we're drinking and we're dancing 
but there's nothing really happening 
and the place is dead as Heaven on a Saturday night 
And my very close companion 
gets me fumbling gets me laughing 
she's a hundred but she's wearing 
something tight 
and I lift my glass to the Awful Truth 
which you can't reveal to the Ears of Youth 
except to say it isn't worth a dime 
And the whole damn place goes crazy twice 
and it's once for the devil and once for Christ 
but the Boss don't like these dizzy heights 
we're busted in the blinding lights, 
busted in the blinding lights 

The whole damn place goes crazy twice 
and it's once for the devil and once for Christ 
but the Boss don't like these dizzy heights 
we're busted in the blinding lights, 
busted in the blinding lights 

Oh the women tear their blouses off 
and the men they dance on the polka-dots 
And it's partner found, it's partner lost 
and it's hell to pay when the fiddler stops 
I swear it happened just like this: 
a sigh, a cry, a hungry kiss 
The Gates of Love they budged an inch 
I can't say much has happened since 
I loved you when our love was blessed 
I love you now there's nothing left 
I miss you since the place got wrecked 
By the winds of change and the weeds of sex.

Monday, January 14, 2013

My mind is a jungle of thoughts these days... so much in my head, and yet nothing to be put down on the paper. I wish to run, hide. I wish to step out in the sun and play (when the sun deems to shine of course!)